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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "tablets"

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Pharmacy at APH

Last updated on Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A Lloyd’s Pharmacy is located between our Emergency Department and the All Day Health Centre. The telephone umber for the pharmacy is 0151 677 6449. Opening Times Monday - 08:30 - 22:00 Tuesday - 08:30 - 22:00 Wednesday - 08:30 - 22:00 Thursday - 08:30 - 22:00 Friday - 08:30 - 22:00 Satu...

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Tag:   pharmacy (5)     chemist (3)     drugs (1)     pills (1)     tablets (1)     medicine (5)     prescription (2)     pharmacist (1)     convenience (5)     advice (8)    

Pregnancy Counselling and Termination Service

Last updated on Monday, July 8, 2019

We provide a termination of pregnancy service, which includes advice to women who have not yet decided whether to continue their pregnancy. Whatever your decision about the pregnancy, we can link you in to local support services if required. Services Available We provide a medical termination...

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Tag:   termination (2)     counselling (2)     advice (8)     support (25)     baby (6)     infant (6)     child (12)     foetus (1)     pain (4)     upset (1)     abortion (2)     ultrasound (3)    

What happens at the PR assessment?

Last updated on Saturday, February 24, 2018

The first assessment lasts for half an hour. A specialised physiotherapist will have a discussion with you and ask you questions about your condition, any relevant past medical history and talk about what medication you take (inhalers & tablets). Your resting oxygen reading and pulse will be...

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Tag:   PR (8)     Pulmonary (10)     rehabilitation (9)     heart rate (1)     oxygen (9)    

What will i learn at the PR sessions?

Last updated on Saturday, February 24, 2018

The education part of the programme is very important. It will help you to understand how to manage your condition so that you can live a more active and fulfilling life. The talks are given by physiotherapists, nurses, dieticians and other members of staff linked to the NHS.  The topics covered...

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Tag:   Anatomy (1)     Physiology (2)     Sputum (1)     Respiratory (1)     lung (10)     lung disease (3)     respiratory (5)     exercise (3)     class (1)    

Day Case Surgery

Last updated on Monday, October 5, 2020

You will be provided with a bedside locker on the ward but space is limited so please don’t bring more than needed. Please bring belongings in a zipped medium sized bag rather than a large suitcase. Please use the following as a checklist: Admission letter Dressing gown/slippers Hearing aid...

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Advice following a general anaesthetic

Last updated on Monday, November 30, 2020

Anaesthetic drugs remain in the body for 24 hours and gradually wear off during this time therefore your judgement and natural reactions which ensure your safety will not be as quick as usual. Only leave the unit when you have been discharged by the nurse to be accompanied home by a responsible a...

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Inpatient surgery

Last updated on Monday, October 5, 2020

You will be provided with a bedside locker on the ward but space is limited so please don’t bring more than needed. Please bring belongings in a zipped medium sized bag rather than a large suitcase. Please use the following as a checklist: Admission letter Dressing gown/slippers Hearing aid...

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Last updated on Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sedation can be used to help you relax and feel more comfortable during an endoscopic procedure. Sedation is administered through a small needle in your hand or arm called a cannula, which we will put in on the day. Sedation will only make you feel more relaxed, it does not put you to sleep. It i...

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