Men’s Health

We offer a number of health and treatment services targeting men.
If you are looking for generic information on men’s health, you can also visit the NHS Choices website by clicking the link to the left.
Erectile Dysfunction Service

This service is available for all men who suffer from erectile difficulties or conditions associated with erectile problems. Our clinic is held at Clatterbridge Hospital every Thursday morning. To access this service, patients must initially report to their GP.
Together with our Trust guidelines, your GP will assess you and, if appropriate, commence oral medication for this condition. If oral medication is not suitable your GP will refer you to our hospital erectile dysfunction service where more advanced treatments are offered.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Clinics
Men with erectile dysfunction are seen in this clinic by a nurse specialist. After assessment they are started on treatment or referred to a Consultant if the problem is complex.
Fertility Services

The fertility clinic at our Women and Children’s Hospital provides a consultant delivered service for the investigation and treatment of couples with fertility problems.
Our aim is to complete investigations in a prompt and timely manner so treatment can start within 6 weeks of initial consultation.
Interstitial Cystitis Clinics

This service is available to both men and women who suffer from Interstitial Cystitis. This condition is diagnosed by a Consultant urologist and treatment is then arranged by the Urology Nurse Practitioners.
We have four clinics per week allowing for patient choice when is most suitable.
Treatment consists of a therapeutic solution painlessly administered into the bladder of the patient. The treatment is initially given weekly then at the discretion of the patients needs, normally monthly.
Male Lower Urinary Tract Clinic

Working with the Wirral Integrated Continence Service, our Urology Nurse Practitioners offer a male lower urinary tract symptom assessment clinic.
There are two weekly clinics held at St Catherine’s Health Centre in Birkenhead and Victoria Central Health Centre in Wallasey. The clinics provide a comprehensive assessment including access to urodynamic testing and ultrasound bladder assessments.
To access this service a patient must initially report to their GP. The GP will assess the severity of the lower urinary tract symptoms and if appropriate refer the patient to the male lower urinary tract symptom assessment clinic through the Wirral Integrated Continence Service.
Sexual Health for Men

Sexual Health Wirral provides free and confidential information advice and treatments for men living in Wirral regardless of age, ethnicity or sexuality.
Sexual Health Wirral is a joint initiative by local NHS organisations and other agencies to ensure there is a simple, up to date source of support, information and services in the area.
Referral onto specialised services including the HIV service in our Trust is seamless. Dedicated HIV clinics are available twice a week delivered by a specialist multidisciplinary team.
Click the link on the left to see more information.