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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Results for: "confidential"

16 pages found in the Patients and Visitors website ...  Showing 16 pages.

Page results

When to visit a pharmacy

Last updated on Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pharmacists and chemists play a key role in providing quality healthcare to patients. Working in the community, primary care and hospitals, pharmacists use their clinical expertise together with their practical knowledge to ensure the safe supply and use of medicines by patients and members of th...

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Tag:   pharmacy (5)     chemist (3)     over the counter (1)     painkiller (1)     prescription (2)     filled (1)     advice (8)     support (25)     confidential (1)     contraception (2)     needle (2)     pregnancy test (1)     medicine (5)     weight (1)     diabetes (14)    

Sexual Health Wirral

Last updated on Tuesday, October 3, 2023

What We Do Sexual Health Wirral provides free and confidential information advice and treatments for people living in Wirral regardless of age, ethnicity, gender or sexuality. Sexual Health Wirral is a joint initiative by local NHS organisations and other agencies to ensure there is a simple, u...

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Tag:   sexual health (1)     GUM (2)     STD (2)     Sexually (1)     transmitted (1)     disease (4)     HIV (1)     Genital (2)     warts (1)     herpes (1)     Gonorrhoea (1)     chlamydia (1)     HPV (1)     condoms (1)     contraception (2)    

Sexual Health for Men

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018

Sexual Health Wirral provides free and confidential information advice and treatments for men living in Wirral regardless of age, ethnicity or sexuality. Sexual Health Wirral is a joint initiative by local NHS organisations and other agencies to ensure there is a simple, up to date source of sup...

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Last updated on Monday, August 3, 2020

All Volunteers at Wirral University Teaching Hospital are entitled to the following benefits: Confidential Counselling Access to library services Access to staff intranet Chiropody service Covid-19 and Antibody test Flu vaccine Advice and support on giving up smoking Lottery Chaplaincy...

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Macmillan Cancer Information Centre

Last updated on Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre at Wirral University Teaching Hospital is located on the ground floor at Arrowe Park Hospital. It has been operating since February 2015. It provides a free, confidential drop in service for anyone affected by cancer offering practical and emoti...

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Chapels and spiritual care area

Last updated on Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The chapels and spirituality areas available for everyone and are always open. They provide a quiet space for reflection, prayer or a few minutes break in a busy day. Please feel free to pop in. If they do not have what you need, please give us a call and we will try and assist you. There are ot...

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Tag:   service (3)     religion (6)     relious (1)     support (25)     faith (4)     friend (1)     quiet (1)     peace (3)    

WUTH Dissent

Last updated on Sunday, March 17, 2024

We want to hear about your experience as a patient  This hospital is committed to listening and responding to patient experience feedback and regularly conducts surveys to find out what patients think. If you are selected to take part in one of these surveys we may contact you by phone, text me...

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Tag:   Dissent (3)     Surveys (3)     survey (10)     corporate (2)     feedback (28)    

Dissent Posters

Last updated on Tuesday, April 2, 2024

What is a Dissent Poster? NHS hospitals are required to display dissent posters in prominent locations, such as waiting areas or patient wards. These posters inform patients of their right to refuse care or treatment from a particular person involved in their care, should they have any concerns....

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Tag:   cqc (2)     Dissent (3)     survey (10)     maternity (2)     children (16)     young person (1)     patient (16)     experience (9)     Urgent (3)     emergency (12)     Inpatient (7)     adult (1)