WUTH Videos

WUTH Videos
These are short informative films made by WUTH Patient Experience Strategy. These films help patients, carers and their families get ready for their hospital stay or medical procedure. We make these films for a few important reasons:
- To ease worries: Hospitals can be scary and unfamiliar places for many patients, especially those having a procedure for the first time. Orientation films give a friendly introduction to the hospital, its facilities, and the healthcare staff. This helps patients feel less anxious and worried.
- To help patients feel familiar: These films show the department/ward layout, departments, facilities, and services available to patients. By helping patients understand their surroundings and what to expect, orientation films can make them feel more comfortable during their stay.
- To set expectations: Orientation films often explain the hospital's rules, procedures, and how things work. This helps patients and their families understand how the hospital operates and what is expected of them during their stay.
- To provide education: As well as helping patients feel familiar with the hospital, these films can teach them about their medical condition, treatment, and care instructions after leaving the hospital. This can help patients better understand and follow their treatment plan.
We have made orientation films because patients have asked for them and because the hospitals want to improve the patient experience. We know that well-informed and prepared patients tend to have better outcomes and are more satisfied with their care.
Videos you can watch:
PIFU Video:
Discover the benefits of Patient Initiated Follow Up (PIFU) and celebrate our first video with British Sign Language (BSL) interpreting. Empower your healthcare journey with PIFU today!
Watch Video here
Needle Phobia Video:
- Introduction
- How staff can put you at ease
- ELMA cream (numbing cream)
- Cannula information
- Tourniquet information
- Reasonable adjustments we can offer
- Having a relative or carer with you
Watch the Needle Phobia Video here.
Endoscopy Video:
- Introduction
- Arriving at WUTH
- Interview Rooms
- Bowel Preparation
- Changing Area
- Sedation
- Consent
- Discharge
Watch the Endoscopy Video here.
SEAL Video:
Surgical Elective Admission Lounge (SEAL)
- Introduction
- Arriving at WUTH/Parking
- Reception
- Waiting Lounges
- Sensory Suite
- Treatment Rooms
- Changing Rooms
- What to bring with you
- Observations
- Going to Theatre
- Anaesthetics
- Discharge
- Aftercare Details
Watch the SEAL video here.
DHC Video:
Discharge Hospitality Centre (DHC)
- Introduction
- Going to the DHC
- Waiting Room
- Entertainment Available
- FFT Cards
- Food and Drink
- Transport
- Medication
- Care Information
- Benefits of using the DHC
Watch the DHC video here.
HHD Video:
Home Haemodialysis (HHD)
- Introduction
- What is Haemodialysis
- Benefits of HHD
- Patient sharing their experience of HHD
- Home Therapy Specialist Nurse advising on their role
- Support that is offered
Watch the HHD video here.
Patient Experience Leadership Video:
- Patient Experiences
- Social Media Feedback
- Patient Stories
- Stakeholder views
- Promise Groups
Watch the leadership video here.