Friends and Family Test Cards

What is an FFT card?
WUTH asks our patients to fill out a Friends and Family Test (FFT) card. This short survey helps the hospital improve care.
On the card, you answer one main question: Overall, how was your experience of our service?
Demographic Questions
The card also asks some questions about you, like your age and ethnicity. This helps the hospital see if some groups rate care higher or lower. It helps them make care better for everyone.
Filling out an FFT Card
Whilst you are in hospital please take a couple of minutes to fill out a card. Cards are on your ward or ask a staff member. You can fill out more than one card about different services or different days you are here.
Your anonymous feedback is very valuable. It helps the hospital make care the best it can be for you and future patients.
There is an easy read version of the friends and family test card, please ask a member of staff who will provide these on request.
Forgot to fill out a form whilst you were here? Not a problem, we have the FFT card online for you here.
Want to see WUTH's FFT results? Click here.