Publication scheme

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (WUTH) Publication Scheme Statement
Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (WUTH) is dedicated to fulfilling the statutory requirements under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Environmental Information Regulations (EIR). We strive to make as much information as possible freely available upon request.
To achieve this, we publish information in a structured publication scheme. This scheme directs individuals to the information we proactively release as it becomes available.
A publication scheme promotes openness and enhances transparency regarding our activities, expenditures, priorities, decisions, and policies. It is designed to improve public access to the information we hold, making it easier for individuals to find and obtain the information they need without the need for a written request. Our publication scheme adheres to the Information Commissioner’s model for public authorities.
All public bodies, under the Freedom of Information Act, are required to regularly produce and maintain a publication scheme. We frequently review our publication scheme to ensure it meets our objectives and legal obligations.
Currently, all the information we proactively release is available free of charge on our website. If in the future we make information available but do not publish it on our website, we will update this publication scheme to explain how you can access it and any charges that may apply.
Charges made by WUTH for routinely published material will be justified, transparent, and kept to a minimum. Charges may be made for information subject to a charging regime specified by Parliament. Charges may include actual disbursements incurred, such as:
- Photocopying
- Postage and packaging
- Costs directly incurred as a result of viewing information
Charges may also be applied for information provided under this scheme where legally authorised. These charges will be in accordance with a published schedule of fees, which will be readily available to the public.
Charges may also be made for making datasets (or parts of datasets) that are relevant copyright works available for re-use. These charges will be in accordance with either regulations made under section 11B of the Freedom of Information Act or other enactments. Information held by WUTH that is not published under this scheme can be requested in writing and will be considered in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.
Before lodging a Freedom of Information request, please check our Publication Scheme as they may already provide the information you require.
Further information about Freedom of Information requests can be found here
This framework outlines how WUTH provides transparency and ensures compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. For more details or specific information, please visit our website or contact us directly.
Information available in our publication scheme
There are seven classes of information within a publication scheme for the health sector. These describe our organisation, role, priorities, governance, and how we account for expenditure.
Information not available through our publication scheme may be available on request.
The classes of information available in our publication scheme are:
Who are we
WUTH is an NHS Foundation Trust providing high-quality healthcare services. More details about our structure and services can be found on our website.
What We Spend and How We Spend It
- Financial Statements and Reports:
- Annual financial reports and budgets are published in our Annual Reports.
- Funding Sources:
- Information on our funding and financial support can be found in our annual financial statements.
- Procurement Procedures:
- Details about our procurement procedures and policies are available on request.
- Contracts and Suppliers:
- Information on awarded contracts and key suppliers is published on the NHS Supply Chain website and through public tender notices.
More information here
What Our Priorities Are and How We Are Doing
- Strategic Plans:
- Our strategic plans and priorities are outlined in our Trust Strategy.
- Annual Reports:
- Annual performance reports are available in our Annual Reports.
- Audit Reports:
- Audit findings are included in our annual reports and are available on request.
- Performance Indicators:
- Key performance metrics and targets are detailed in our CQC Surveys Reports
How We Make Decisions
- Decision-Making Processes:
- Our governance and decision-making processes are outlined in our Governance Structure.
- Board Meetings:
- Agendas, minutes, and outcomes of board meetings are published here.
- Consultations and Engagement:
- Information on public consultations and stakeholder engagement initiatives is available on request.
Our Policies and Procedures
- General Policies:
- Hospital-wide policies are available on request.
- Patient Care Policies:
- Patient care and safety policies are available on request.
- Human Resources Policies:
- Employee-related policies and procedures are available on request.
- Health and Safety:
- Health and safety policies and procedures available on request.
Lists and Registers
- Asset Registers:
- Information on hospital assets is available on request.
- Gifts and Hospitality Registers:
- Records of gifts and hospitality received by staff are maintained and can be requested.
- Freedom of Information Disclosure Log:
- A log of FOI requests and responses is available on request.
The Services We Offer
- Clinical Services:
- Detailed descriptions of clinical services provided can be found here.
- Non-Clinical Services:
- Information on support and administrative services is available on request.
- Public Health Programs:
- Information on public health initiatives and programs can be found in our Your Health page.
- Patient Information:
- Resources and information available to patients are accessible in our Your Health page.
How to Access Information
- Access Methods: Information can be accessed online via our website, or by visiting the hospital. Specific documents can be requested via email or telephone.
- Charges and Fees: Most information is available free of charge. However, some documents may incur a copying or postage fee, which will be communicated before processing the request.
Feedback and Complaints
- Feedback Mechanism: Feedback on the Publication Scheme can be provided through our About Us page.
- Complaint Procedure: Complaints about the Publication Scheme or the information provided can be directed to our Information Governance Office at
Review and Update of the Publication Scheme
- Review Schedule: This Publication Scheme will be reviewed on a quarterly basis with a full annual review to ensure it remains up-to-date and compliant.
- Update Process: Updates will be made as needed based on changes in legislation, organisational structure, or public feedback.