Healthy Wirral Annual Report

We are very pleased to introduce the Healthy Wirral Annual Report for the year 2018/19
This is the first report of this kind and represents a significant development in our partnership to deliver better health and care through a place based approach on Wirral.
We can only achieve this through the support and efforts of all our partners across the health and care system, and we hope that the progress during the past year highlighted in this report demonstrates our overall commitment to work together to achieve sustainable improvements in the health and wellbeing of the people of Wirral. 2018/19 has been a year of consolidation of our partnerships and building our future plans. 2019/20 and beyond will see the delivery of these plans through our operational plan, which will provide the basis for our long term strategy.
Wirral continues to face significant challenges but also has great opportunities and we are confident that the progress we have seen in the last year will continue and allow us to work with our communities and staff to build a Healthy Wirral.