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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Arrowe Park Outpatient Orthopaedics

Where we are

Arrowe Park houses our main outpatients area, the purpose built Orthopaedic Fracture Clinic.

Our Fracture Clinic is open 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.


The Fracture Clinic does not take direct referrals into clinic, but sees patients who have either been referred from our Emergency Department or from the Minor Injuries Unit at Victoria Central Health Centre in Wallasey.

As well as patients referred from these sources, the department holds clinics for patients referred electively by their GP for all of our orthopaedic specialties.

Your appointment

Your appointment at our Fracture Clinic may not be just a consultation. Visits to x-ray, physiotherapy, plaster, dressing room or appliance department can also be involved with one appointment, so your time in the department can vary. Diabetic patients should be aware to maybe bring some food with them should their appointment be longer than expected.

Patients who attend our Fracture Clinic are seen in individual, purpose built, private consultation rooms. Within the department there is also a busy dressing room and a very busy plaster room. Children attending the clinic can be seen in 2 designed ‘Jungle’ and ‘Nemo’ rooms, as well as specifically designed areas within the dressing and plaster rooms.

The clinic has a large reception and waiting area, with plenty of seating, and a small children’s play area with a TV. Our Fracture Clinic has its own x-ray department within the clinic, so patients do not have to go to the main hospital for their x-ray. We also have a purpose built physiotherapy room where patients are seen following their appointment

Plaster Care
Contact the plaster room on 0151 604 7573 between the hours of 8:30am to 3:30pm, Monday to Friday if you have any problems with your cast such as:

  • rubbing
  • cracking
  • softening
  • becomes loose or uncomfortable
  • excessive itching
  • accidentally becomes wet

Contact the plaster room immediately if any of the following symptoms occur:

  • Increased swelling that is not relieved by strict elevation of the limb after half an hour
  • Numbness, coldness or pins and needles of your fingers or toes
  • Fingers or toes that are blue, bright red or white (do not be confused with bruising, if in doubt check with the hospital)
  • Increase of pain or your cast becomes uncomfortable
  • A rash
  • If you drop anything down your cast
  • If any wetness or unusual smell is coming from inside your cast
  • Inability to move your fingers or toes.
  • If this happens outside of plaster room hours please contact our Emergency Department at Arrowe Park Hospital on 0151 678 5111.

Observing all of the above can reduce the risk of complications such as:

  • circulatory problems
  • nerve damage
  • skin damage

****add to contacts*******
The Plaster Room can be contacted directly on 0151 604 7573.


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    • PL00053 Plaster Care Booklet March 24 Modified: 05/02/2025 3:39PM | Download: