Arrowe Park Acute Stroke Unit

Each year, an estimated 700 people in the Wirral and Cheshire area will suffer a stroke and be admitted to hospital.
Our Stroke patients are brought in through our Emergency Department at Arrowe Park Hospital as emergency cases and are directly admitted to the Acute Stroke Unit on Ward 23.
Ward 23 operates as a Hyper-acute Stroke Unit, offering 24/7 thrombolysis (breakdown of blood clots). Through the use of thrombolysis injections within 4.5 hours of stroke we are able to give the patients a greater chance of survival and help reduce disability.
The 26-bed Acute Stroke Unit has 8 hyper-acute beds (one male and one female bay) and 18 sub-acute stroke beds. We offer:
- Seven-day-a-week specialist delivered ward rounds by a team of six Stroke Consultants and an Associate Specialist.
- Seven-day TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack) clinics providing specialist care and rapid assessment to help prevent a stroke.
- Up-to-date Stroke Research (TARDIS; TICH-2; RESTART; GLORIA-AF; ADOPTS)
- A Stroke Specialist Nursing Team who work 24/7 providing support for patients and carers.
- We are proud to offer multidisciplinary working and have a dedicated team of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists; Speech and Language Therapists and Dieticians.
- Strong links with the local community and two Stroke Association Family & Carer Support Workers who work alongside our stroke team.
- Dedicated Early Supported Discharge Service (ESD) for stroke patients once they leave hospital.
- Our Stroke service is much more than about simply helping our patients to survive. We have comprehensive rehabilitation programmes that aim to improve a patient's quality of life, and can even result in a full recovery.