Dermatology Ward and Daycare Unit

Most patients with skin conditions can be treated by themselves in the community with the advice and guidance of our specialist team.
A proportion of patients with more severe skin conditions may require hospital-based treatments with creams which are difficult or messy to apply at home, or treatment with phototherapy. These treatments are carried out by our specialist dermatology nurses on our day case unit. This operates throughout the day 8 am till 8pm, thereby allowing patients to attend at a time convenient to them.
Very occasionally, patients with very severe skin disease may require hospital-based treatment. Again this can be provided locally in our dedicated dermatology inpatient ward at Clatterbridge. All care will be provided by dedicated dermatology nurses who are highly experienced in managing skin disease. The expertise of our ward is well recognised and as a result the unit is also used by the Countess of Chester consultants for the care of those patients from West Cheshire. The ward opens Monday – Friday and appointments are then given to patients to attend at the weekend. This gives patients much more independence to gain the knowledge and skills to be able to complete treatments at home to aid for discharge and to continue treatment in the community on their chronic skin condition.
Dr Boon Tan Consultant Dermatologist MBBS FRCP
Dr Natasha Hashim Consultant Dermatologist MBChB FRCP
Dr Roopa Karumanchery Consultant Dermatologist MBBS, MRCP UK, MRCP Dermatology
Dr Oliver Johnson Consultant Dermatologist MRCP(UK), MBChB, BMedSci(Hons)
Dr Tracy Bussey Dermatology Associate Specialist BMed Sci (Hons) BMBS
Dr Anna Loo Speciality Doctor BSc Pharm, MBChB, MRCGP,Dip Derm Glasgow
Dr Shainy Nawimana Speciality Doctor MBChB, MRCP
Unit Manager Rachael Tew
Deputy Unit Manager Nicola McCurry
Specialist Nurses:
Lianne Jackson Skin Cancer specialist Nurse
Sinimol Maju Biologic Specialist Nurse
Lisa Shaw Dermatology Specialist Nurse
Julie McCormick Phototherapy Specialist Nurse
Kevin Shaw PDT Specialist Nurse