Plan for the future of your care with a Lasting Power of Attorney

It is always important to think about planning for the future to give yourself give peace of mind. When considering your health and welfare, lasting powers of attorney (LPAs) ensure you remain in control when it matters most.
It’s estimated that by next the year 2040, 9.1 million people will be living with major illness – 2.5 million more than in 2019 (The Health Foundation and Liverpool University*). This is why Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and the Office of the Public Guardian are working together to educate communities across the Wirral about the benefits of making an LPA.
An LPA is a legal document that allows you to appoint one or more people to make certain decisions on your behalf if you lack mental capacity. Having one in place means people you trust can quickly and easily step in when you need it most. This could be during short hospital stay following an accident or because of a longer-term health condition like Alzheimer’s disease.
Health and welfare LPA
There are two types of LPA, and a health and welfare LPA enables people you trust to make decisions about things like your daily routine, medical care, moving into a care home, and life-sustaining treatment. You can register a health and welfare LPA at any time, but it should only used if you’re unable to make your own decisions.
Dr Nikki Stevenson, Executive Medical Director at Wirral University Teaching Hospital said:
"We want to encourage people to have a lasting power of attorney so that a trusted person or people can make decisions on their behalf should this ever be needed. It really helps to have this in place if someone requires medical treatment in situations where they are unable to make their own decisions. We would also encourage people to start having conversations with those they trust to grant lasting power of attorney.”
Amy Holmes, Chief Executive and Public Guardian at the Office of the Public Guardian, said:
“A health and welfare lasting power of attorney is vital in helping people plan for the future and stay in control of decisions about their care and welfare. This is why we are working with communities across the North-West of England to raise awareness and understanding of LPAs.
“LPAs are beneficial for everyone and anyone aged 18 or over can make one. The first step is starting a conversation with the people you trust.”
LPAs: what you need to know
The Office of the Public Guardian is responsible for registering LPAs. Without a registered LPA, close family or friends can’t automatically make certain decisions if you are unable to do so. Here’s what you need to know:
- you keep control by deciding who can speak for you, when they can speak for you, and what they can say
- you can also make a property and finance LPA which covers decisions like opening and closing bank accounts, paying bills and claiming benefits
- LPAs are easier and more affordable than you might think; depending on your individual circumstances, there may not even be a charge
Find out more by visiting It’s your voice, your decision.