Patient Experience Strategy - vote now!

Our Patient Experience Strategy is broken down into two parts; patient experience vision and delivery plan. The patient experience vision is a statement of our intention to deliver a high quality patient experience for all and the patient journey broken down into promises, to inform our patients what they can expect from us.
The patient experience vision and promises is for our staff to own and deliver and for our patients to experience.
The brand promises will also be used to measure our success, by asking our patients whether we are delivering them and subsequently our patient experience vision.
Developing Our Patient Experience Vision:
To develop our WUTH patient experience vision we have held a series of patient and staff engagement workshops, leading to engagement with over 140 members of staff from a wide range of staff groups and over 50 patients, relatives and carers. During the engagement workshops each group developed a draft patient experience vision based upon what they felt was most important.
We are so pleased with the level of interest and engagement shown by everyone who has been involved in developing the draft patient experience visions. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their suggestions throughout this process.
We will have one patient experience vision for the whole Trust. Therefore, the draft patient experience visions have been narrowed down to 3 by focusing upon common themes that came through during the engagement workshops and we would now like to hear from you as to which you feel should be launched as our Trust patient experience vision.
Voting is now open and closes Sunday 17th October 2021:
We would now like to invite you to vote for your favourite patient experience vision by considering:
• Which you feel is easy to read and remember.
• Which you feel you can relate to your area of work and would be a motivator for staff.
• Which you feel would mean something to you if you, your friends or family member were a patient.
• Which has longevity.
Methods of Voting
Your input into developing the Patient Experience Strategy has been valued and we would like to support you to vote for your favourite patient experience vision by:
• Clicking the below link within this communications article.
• If you attended an engagement workshop you will receive an email directly with the voting link enclosed.
• The voting link will be available on our Trust Facebook and Twitter Patient Experience pages.
• Look out for our Patient Experience Strategy posters with QR code link to voting.
• Visit us and vote in person at our Patient Experience Strategy stands (stand locations and times attached).
• The Strategy team will also be visiting teams in person with iPads to support staff to vote.
Once the vote has closed we will communicate the winning vision statement and promises out across the trust with a further opportunity for you to vote on the visual graphics that will support the vision.
Click the below link to vote: