Parking at Clatterbridge Hospital

As a result of feedback from patients and visitors, and benchmarking against other local trusts in Cheshire and Merseyside, Wirral University Teaching Hospital Trust has changed its car parking tariffs for patients and visitors for the first time since 2016. More spaces are now retained for visitor parking, alongside more free parking, and lower charges for longer stays. The hospitals are also very well served by Mersey Travel buses to a range of local destinations.
From 4th September 2023, patient and visitor charging moved from a fixed rate (of £3.20 for up to 3.5 hours and £10.00 over 3.5 hours), to a variable tiered approach, operating similarly to most other Trusts across Cheshire and Merseyside. This means more free parking for short stays and that car park charges are now lower for patients and visitors for longer stays of between 4-12 hours, on a sliding variable scale, according to the hours parked. Concessions, in line with NHS Best Practice, still apply. These are for disabled drivers, visitors to patients in critical care or end of life care and frequent attenders. Lost tickets are charged at £10.
The new car parking charges at Arrowe Park and Clatterbridge General Hospitals
Wirral Hospitals car parking charges are free for those in greatest need, this includes disabled people, frequent outpatient attenders, parents of sick children staying overnight and staff working night shifts.
For your guidance the definitions are as follows:
Disabled persons - Holders of current blue badges when attending our hospitals for treatment, to visit patients or when working within the Trust.
Frequent outpatient attenders - A patient who is identified in advance as visiting as an outpatient for 3 or more times in a calendar month.
Parents of sick children staying overnight - A parent or guardian of a child in hospital overnight may park for free between the hours of 1900 and 0700. This would apply to a maximum of two vehicles.
Staff working night shifts - All staff of the Trust working night shifts can park for free between the hours of 1930 and 0830. A ‘night shift’ in this context must include working until at least midnight.
Parking concessionary forms are provided by departmental managers. To obtain concessionary parking allowance the completed forms must be submitted to the hospital cash office.
Disabled persons may use parking facilities in car park B at Arrowe Park Hospital or car park G at Clatterbridge Hospital. To obtain free parking, they should display their blue badge on the dashboard and press the buzzer at the car park exit, where Security will verify the badge and lift the barrier.
Wirral Hospitals will continue to provide free parking or other concessions to its patients, visitors and staff on the basis of their individual needs and local situation.
All applications for exemptions and concessions must be made to the relevant ward or department manager.
Car Park |
Tariff |
Duration |
Exemptions apply to |
B, C, G J, K, L |
£3.20 |
Per visit |
B, C, G J, K, L |
Discounted Tickets |
N/A |
Frequent clinic attendees can purchase weekly or monthly tickets. |
B, C, G J, K, L |
Discounted Parking Pass |
N/A |
Visitors to patients who are in hospital for longer than two weeks can purchase weekly or monthly tickets. |
B, C, G J, K, L |
Free |
On Application |
Families of children who are in hospital. |
Accessible (blue badge) Parking
Accessible parking is available but spaces are limited. Please note a blue badge must be displayed at all times in blue badge bays.
Pay Machines
A 'pay on foot' system is in operation with pay machines at the following locations:
• The main entrance to the hospital building (near reception)
• Outside ward M1, M Block
• Car Park C
• Car Park J
Patients on certain state benefits can get charges reimbursed under the Hospital Travel Costs Scheme.
Inconsiderate Parking
Parking notices are issued at Clatterbridge and Arrowe Park Hospitals to control inconsiderate and potentially hazardous parking. Any vehicle (including blue badge holders) that are parked in non-designated areas will be issued with a parking charge notice for the sum of £70.