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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Aimi Kerrigan, Midwife

Working in maternity services at WUTH is midwife Aimi Kerrigan who is expecting a baby of her own in September 2024. “I fell in love with midwifery when my best friend asked me to go with her to a university talk on it. Up till then, all I knew about the profession was what I’d seen on TV. I’ve since found out that there is so much more to midwifery than delivering a baby.”

She added: “After I got my Midwifery Degree, in 2014 I started working at WUTH, and I’ve never looked back. I’ve found where I’m supposed to be. The staff community here is like a family. We all work together so well because we want to make sure the women who come to us for their birth have the best possible experience. Now I’m pregnant with my second baby and I will be having the birth here, just like with my first.”

“There are so many sides to midwifery, whether it’s providing care for women during their pregnancy, supporting them during labour, birth and into the postnatal period, and also caring for families for when pregnancy doesn’t go to plan. It can be a very challenging job but every aspect of it is rewarding. It’s an honour to be able to support women and their families during this time and after 13 years of being in midwifery I still find it all magical. I'm very lucky to do what I do.”