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Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Wirral University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Congratulations - A few more tips!

Your baby will take a few days to get used to different sounds, lighting and activities. This may mean that your baby is more fussy than usual, may change sleeping, waking or eating patterns.

  • Don't panic, you may ring us over the next few days on the Neonatal unit and we will offer our advice.
  • The community Neonatal staff will visit and liaise with you for future visits as you need them.
  • Try to keep the family schedule simple at this time e.g. not too many visitors to entertain.
  • Write out medications and times and check them off as you give them.
  • Write down all follow up appointments on your calendar/diary.
  • Make notes of questions as they arise, so you can ask your community Neonatal Midwife/GP/Health Visitor.
  • Accept all offers of help regarding washing ironing and shopping so you can spend time with your baby.
  • When you feel ready prepare for a simple trip out with baby to build your confidence.

Enjoy your parenthood...its a long road!